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The School has a very active Friends Association.

It exists to promote closer understanding and relationships between home and school and to serve the best interests of our children.
The Friends of New Road School (FONRS) also provides financial assistance when called upon to do so. All parents are automatically members of FONRS and your help, attendance and support is an asset to the School.


Events we hold to raise money to help provide for the children:

  • Summer Fayre
  • Christmas Bazaar
  • School Discos
  • Year 6 Leavers BBQ
  • Quiz Nights
  • Family Bingo
  • Cake Bakes
  • …and many more

​​​​​​You can help too!

We appreciate that everyone is very busy these days and find it hard to spare any time for fundraising for their school. However, if everyone did one very small thing it would be amazing how much could be achieved and how little each person would have to do. You do not need to join the committee, but if you could spare the time to help at one event or even do some admin or typing please let us know. Also, if you have any ideas on how to raise money for the school let us know.

What could you do to help?
You could offer your good organisational skills
You could provide new contacts
You could come up with new and fresh ideas for fundraising
You could supervise a stall at the Christmas Bazaar or Summer Fayre
You could find out whether your employers offer any work place support for our school
You could help with putting in bids and accessing funds for the school

Offers of Help
If you would like to offer your help with anything or have a good fundraising idea, please contact the school office.